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Sunday 24 May 2020

ओम सूर्याय नमः

ओम सूर्याय नमः

ओम सूर्याय नमः

ओम सूर्याय नमः
सुर्यनारायण ,आदित्य
सगळया सृष्टीला प्रकाशमय करणारा..
चराचरात जीवन फुलविणारा...
पानांफुलातं रंग भरणारा...
गंध भरणारा....
सूर्याच्या साक्षीने उगवणारी सृष्टी.
खरंच खुप सुंदर भासते...
चैतन्याचा अखंड झराच दिवसभर फुलतं असतो.
.प्रत्येक करण्यामध्ये लयं असते...
मनं मगनं मगनं...
आपल्या भोवती फिरतं असणारं तेजोवलयं खरचं किती सुंदर
अंधारातुन प्रकाशाकङे जाण्याची किमया.
सतेज. सुंदर..सहज..असा प्रवास...
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय...
पण..सुर्यास्त बघतांना मनं पुनः विदीर्ण...विषषणं होतं
असायचं एक सुर्यास्त मी टिपलेला....
लेखांकन ---एड ,अर्चना गोन्नाडे

Om Suryay Namah
Suryanarayana, Aditya Enlightening all creation .. blooming the life in The Universe An Artist, painting and colouring the flowers, pouring a fragnance and flavours in HIS creation ... The Earth,the nature awaken as the Sun arises
Looks really beautiful, aesthetic
feels very heavenly ,in a blissful morning The Divine unbroken stream Consciousness,
flowing throughout the day.
the cosmic rays ,a pure bliss in itself,
A constant runnel or streamlet of immense energy
Everything has a rhythm ...
मनं मगनं मगनं ...
How beautiful is the radiance that surrounds you The alchemy of going from darkness to light. Fresh. Beautiful..easy..that journey ... Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamayr ..
moving from darkness towards the light ...
 But..when watching the sunset,
my mind was crumbling again ...
it was mournful and sad again ... I captured one a sunset in my lens


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