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Sunday 10 May 2020


                 A NAUGHTY BOY

Boy In Black Long Sleeved Shirt Riding Orange Bicycle

Hello my dear friends.Its a story of Mayur long back..still I remember the whole scene..Mayur , he was
just a kid of six years..he was very silent boy keeping mum..vety shy..stting calm n quite...but he had one habit ..if any one teased him he will start beating and directly slapping on the face ,no matter older or younger ..But only I had heard about his habit but not yet seen...Once I HAD TO attend MARRIAGE OF MY NEAREST RELATIVES. It's in morning time..all are well dressed ..everyone was in pleasant mood ...happy happy mood ...enjoying foods's all lovely n graceful function ...After a lunch somewhat we get relaxed n were sitting in joyful mood n chartering n chartering on various topics .Someone saw the little boy Mayur ..One relatives of very old age sitting n calling Mayur...Mayur beta come here . I will give you a chocolate ...but he was very shy ..he didn't come ...twice thrice that older person calling Mayur but he didn't came ....he was sitting calmly ..some other person sitting with that older man told him to not to call Mayur ...but that old man get irritated and he want to come Mayur to him anyhow...haha ..He called him again ...but Mayur didn't came ..he was sitting calmly ...again he called him Mayur...Suddenly Mayur stand up ,walked straight to to that old man and started slapping on his two three four..non stop.everyone was stunned .staring at Mayur .Within a minute what happeded doesn't know ...everyone was standstill....that old man started shouting ...hey whose child is this rubbish he is ....mannerless ...stupid ...and bla bla bla. And then a big drama between relayives He feels very insulted ...Mayurs mom also beated him slapped him for his misbehavoior but that old man didn't get convinced and walked out ..I have seen Mayur was slapping what I have heard about him ...but we still laugh how a lil Mayur beating the old man ...I recall it as it is .. some sweet memories..laugh for a moment.......Life is beautiful...

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