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Sunday 31 May 2020

CORONA –2020 COVID 19 ---Part 1

CORONA –2020 COVID 19 ---Part 1
A Slogan With Positive Outlook On Coronavirus
Person Drawing on a Tabletcoronavirus 2020

coronavirus 2020

coronavirus 2020

coronavirus 2020 

stay home 
stay safe 
Syringe and Pills on Blue Background
Hands With Latex Gloves Holding a Globe with a Face Mask

sssPills on Blue Background
CORONA –2020 COVID 19 ---Part 1

Hello my Dear Friends ....
"Man is, by nature, a social animal,an individual unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes individual " The Greek Philosopher Aristotle quotes .
Yes, a man is social animal.
He cannot stay alone. He has to depend on society for his /her overarching development ,for gross maturity...
The societal behaviour is very important for the individual..
Family is the first school for any individual,
wherein we learn the various lessons of life ,
Morals and ethics and values
nevertheless ,that all are sacraments,
blessed upon us by our genre.
A proud feeling of oneness and wholeness
my family,my society and my nation..
No one can deny that, learning process continues forever...
Further man has to satisfy the various needs,
it may be personal or any reason,
he has to move through the people.
follow the rules and regulations ,manners, etiquette's of society.
to turn himself in a responsible citizen,
uphold the burden of my people...
We acquire knowledge of various thing from the society,
through the observation,through the communication
attending the functions, tasks and acting on various issues...
mindfully we get attached with vast spectrum of the society, and think over it from different perspectives .....
socially ,economically, politically, and
upto the mark, we are sensitive too,as to our capacity,
mental gear too, inclined toward our social community.
the good habits, morals and ethics,we adopt it automatically..
We develop a good relationship ,moral bonding ,
among ourselves as member of society ..
these bonding had no boundaries and are beyond ,
the castes ,creeds,religion,race ,sex,and nationality .
This Adhesive feeling and social chemistry
exists beyond our blood relationship .
Its a glorious and righteous bonding of humanity.
We all are proud to be a part of the human race,
we are bound to help and support each other,
rather we believe, its our social responsibility,
to provide a helping hand in an hour of need .
Let the human race trust each other,
let I be the lil part of this trustworthiness ...
let I m with them,to share their misery,heaviness of heart...
Its now our turn to pay back to society ...
to do something good for the people ,
its our turn now ,to respect feelings of the labours, poor
as we are from the same human race,
have to shoulder the burden with my countrymen as whole.
its our duty to work for humanity,
its my duty to prove myself .a generous human being...
Lock-down continues due to CORONA...
It affects the whole world...alarm ringing to awake everyone ...
A very tiny virus upshot the world population..
who had done this evil that matters but
most important is how to cope up with this horrible situation..
food ,clothes,and shelter they very basic needs of the man.
it's a very hard time for those,
who are deprived of food too..leave out the other needs,
men are homeless, some are staying at the rented house,
people don't have money in pockets, to pay for rent .
Its very hard and miserable time is for labourers..
women ,children, infants suffering from this pandemic ..
as to lockdown industries ,factories are shutdown...
no work ,no pay,no money is the current scenario .
what to eat ?,where to live?, what to do?
survival of family is a very big question mark before them...
A chain of problems increasing day by day..
Labours stay away from the hometown...
they feel unrest,causing disruption,because of
the parents are at their hometown.
They are worried about their parent ,for reason same,
Parent at their home ,too worried about children ...
People are running to their hometown on bicycles ,
loaded on the trucks ,or whatever the means they find out...
Those who don't have any vehicles,cannot finds a means,
they just keep on walking towards their homely home,
to embrace the loving parent and,
family members waiting for them, with tears in eyes..
Whats the Olympics ,Olympiads,
sports and races symbolised,
all the records are cracked down because,
all these people carry a sporting spirit and,
they had challenge the life itself.....
a flow of sporting blood is running in their heart and soul...
they never toss ...a determined victory on their side ,
Miles and miles they are moving towards home,
carrying heavy loads overheads,with wife and children...
just they escorting the life for their loved ones ..
Hope is always alive, when everything goes worst..
every situation ,every circumstances walled against you...
there's blackout upon your open eyes ...
and still a lil ray of hope twinkling into your soul...
the unknown force,unrevealed power and strength ,
it pushes you forward ,moves you ahead,
till you reach goal...till you get succeed...
crowd moving toward home
to see their loved ones,and to hug them ,
with unspoken words, tears in their eyes,awaiting long...
feeling a safety and secured at their home..
The same ray of hope within cries and weep
keep themselves on track ,walking and walking
till they, visualise small town and family...
Hearts are comes alive ...
A gigantic responsibility comes to an end ...
life become interesting and easier with their dearests...
lock-down 1,lock-down 2, 3 and 4....still may it continue..
people have locked themselves within the four walls ...
resulting the frustration ,depression,giving way to suicide ...
unfortunate accidents claims the lives of huge crowds ....
The Corona Worriers seems confident ,
service the people,save lives of others,
fetcing their lives with corona ,
on swiching mode between life and death...
Government acted at its Best,
done every possible efforts to overcome from disaster...
Demon Corona gallops lacs of human being ...
crawling to mankind ,to vanish from The Universe...
The Human Race,a beautiful creation of God...
The God had bestowed protection on human being ,
showered the His Greatful blessings
filled with His emotions,love and care .....
will Corona dare to stay here, on the Earth...?
The World is silent ...Go Corona ,Go Corona, Go

BLOG --Adv. Archana Gonnade

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Holding Lemon FruitSlogan On Social Distancing

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